Blood Legacy(VV Inn book 5) by C.J. Ellisson ~~~ Review

Blood Legacy

VV Inn Book Five


By C.J. Ellisson

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Currently $4.99

Book Description:

Despite surviving silver poisoning, Vivian isn’t out of the fire yet. Rolando is still alive, as is his desire to eliminate all manipulator vampires like her. The streets of Buenos Aires prove to be a tricky hunting ground for Vivian and her husband Rafe, especially when a paranormal serial killer starts leaving bodies behind.

Overwhelmed amidst the city’s chaos, they seek help from Jon, Vivian’s werewolf servant and the couple’s right-hand man. As the deaths continue, a local alpha under scrutiny for the crimes threatens to blame Jon and reveal his master’s daytime location–if they don’t find the real culprit.

It’s a race for the trio to stop the killings, uncover the truth, and catch the vampire responsible for Vivian’s torture–before the supernatural locals pick up their proverbial pitchforks and stop them all, for good.

Publisher’s Note:This story alternates points of view between Vivian, Rafe, and Jon. No portion of a scene is retold from another point of view, but the story progresses through the eyes of rotating view points, shifting between characters each chapter.


Ive been reading this series since shortly after it came out with the first book. I enjoyed and still enjoy the creativity of the world the characters live in and the variety of character types. Each book I learn more about the characters and see their lives unfold and at the end of each Im left with a little sense of awe and desire to see more.

This book in particular had me thinking more then reading. Usually I read the VV books really quickly. But with life it took me longer and gave me the opportunity to learn more and think more. This installment in the series gave me great pleasure as it answered questions I had previously. I love how nothing is ever quiet as we think it is, and it keeps me on my toes.

It was nice to see Jon reunite with Vivian and Rafe. Great to see how much Vivian cares for Jon in her own way as well as more depth to me of the relationships built in previous books. I could relate a bit to Vivian during the book and fall in line with her thinking of Power corrupts. After reading the end I was buzzing with my own ideas of what was what as well as assumptions based off information. And I cant wait for it to be proven or falsified.

5/5 Gatos

Other in the series:

Death’s Servant (Prequel) Currently $2.99

Vampire Vacation (Book 1) Currently $Free

The Hunt (Book 2) Currently $0.99

The Game (Book 3) Currently $4.99

VV Inn box set (1-3 + Prequel) Currently $8.99

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